Monday, February 13, 2012

Space Explorer update and Flash pro

Nothing but good news today. Spent a total of 6 hours (or so) on artwork for space explorer, and I've been thinking about the plans with Space Explorer. so here goes:

Level system       - including 20 main levels (occupy the planets), and 16 other levels.
                            more than 5 different types of levels.

Size                   - used to be way to big of a resolution (1340x950). now being reduced to 900x650.

Special weapons - pressing down will activate specials. unlock specials by defeating bosses. feel free to post
                            your ideas for any special weapons

New Name          - thinking of a new name. possibly 2564: space rebels, Space conquest, Uprising 2564.
                            please comment with your ideas for a new name.

Stats                  - a menu with your current progress and some very silly stats. please comment with your
                            ideas for some stats.

Achievements     - something to work towards. And for the running theme throughout this post, comment
                            with your ideas for some achievements.

As for Flash Professional, I have ordered it and my purchase request is pending. :)
Thanks to everyone who donated to Space Explorer and Battle Ball's cause (even including you dan, although 2 cents is not much). Expect to see some good changes in the future.

Ok, for the last, but not least, (bet you didn't see this comming)

Post any suggestions you have !!!!!!